Wigglebutt Defense Fund 2015

The Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center would like to acknowledge the following donators for their generosity in 2015.  The pups 'Thank' everyone for your continued support.
Wigglebutt Benefactor - $250 - $499 
Evelyn Bertoni
CHS Class of '66 Lunch Group
Patrick Collison
Anne & Robbie Curry
Kathryn Dullen
Corrine & John Edelman
Elaine Farrell
John & Shelley Gillon
Neil & Janet Gordon & Mitzy
Donna Hanson
Phil & Sandy Harrison
Susan Hill
Deb Hunter
Louise Leifeste
Connie E. Lipko
Gail Markle
Wendy Jo McKelvy
Kari Monson
Betty Murray
Lynn Murray
Joel & Kelli Newton
Bob & Paula Nivens
Rochelle Powder
Mary Restifo
Joanne Rubin
Jennifer Schultz
Joe & Charlotte Sheehan
Sit, Stay & Play Pet Sitting
Susan Stevens
Frank & Jennifer Williams
Deborah Windsor

Wigglebutt Snuggler - $500 - $999
Luella Behrendt
Kim & Dave Diehl
Amanda Graham
Maureen O'Brien
The Petco Foundation
Sue & Frank Rotella
Cheryl Lynn Ruff
Amy & Geoff Spencer
Jason & Heather Tawney
Penny & Gerald Yenchick

Wigglebutt Warrior - $1000 +
Seeber Bodine
Kevin Boland
Anne Constein
Lin Dixon
Valerie Leitzel
John & Dawn Morris
Connie & Scott Wehler
John & Penny Zimmerman

Cocker Spaniel Advocates
Luella Behrendt
Amy Conchie
Cathy Fischer
Jennifer Kim
Michelle Kim
Deborah Roberts
Carolyn Shuey
Pam Turner

Becoming a Cocker Spaniel Advocate is a subscription-based way to donate to CSAC. It's a win-win. You get to donate gradually, and we don't have to worry about "how to pay the next kennel or vet bill”, so we can focus 100% of our time and energy on caring for our dogs. It is only with your support can we continue to save the lives of these precious pups. Visit www.cockeradoptions.com and click the "Donate" tag to become a Cocker Spaniel Advocate.

Updated 01-2016