In Memory of Gracie
It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Gracie (formerly Cookie), adopted March 9, 2013. She was a feisty little girl who loved being the center of attention. Gracie enjoyed playing ball, walking with friends and snuggling. Her death was unexpected, she died in her sleep. Thank you for getting her out of a bad situation and into my heart and home. She'll be missed.
- The Murphy Family
Rec's Happy Ending
We adopted Max (formerly Rec) in July 2016, and every day he brings us so much joy. He's joined our family of 11 rescue cats and another rescue dog, and he just fit straight in. He and Talley (a one-year-old boxer/pit mix) accepted each other from the get-go and instantly bonded over a shared love of cuddles, play-fighting and pup-peroni. Talley enjoys taking Max for a walk and will grab his lead in her teeth and
guide him when we go outside. We're not sure if she's trying to be
helpful or just big-sister-bossy!
Max loves car rides, chasing round the yard, and chasing after toys we throw. We can't call it fetch yet because he hasn't mastered the 'bringing it back' bit! He greets each day with a very enthusiastic song and is working on his commands. He's learned 'sit' and 'calm' (we use the latter when he's bouncing up and down with excitement), "let's go", and 'wait' - but just for the count of 5 so far.
He came to us via an absolutely wonderful foster mom, Carrie. We can't thank her enough for all the love she gave him. Max has epilepsy but hopefully is stable now on his meds. He's such a little lover-boy that we can't imagine life without him. Thank so you much CSAC!
-The Roberts Family

In Memory of BusterI knew from the second I met Buster that he was going to be my boy, and he was. He was my little shadow no matter where I was in the house including the bathroom ;). I remember the first time he walked in the house, he walked in like he owned it, he looked at Bandit like "I'm home so you better move over." I will always remember when I came home he would gallop around the living room until he got loved, and boy did he love to eat. I will miss him dearly. I could not have loved him more if I gave birth to him myself ;). I was the lucky one to have Buster in my life and give him his forever home! We only had Buster in our lives for close to 4 years but he sure did give us a lifetime of love, and we were the lucky ones.
Keep up the great work with the CSAC Rescue, and we will keep on touch with Facebook and when we are ready and one of those baby catches our eye we will ask to adopt again.
-The Plants Family
In Memory of Kobi
Kobi (14 yrs old) had a wonderful 5 1/2 years with us despite having a host of medical problems and spending a lot of time visiting the vet. We found out that the reason he kept having left ear infections was due to a tumor deep inside his left ear. He had the TECA procedure, total ear canal removal, and the ear infections never came back, and he felt much better. We also had that large lipoma on his chest removed, along with two benign tumors deep in the folds of his intestines. We gave him eye-drops, but he still had eye infections so we were also putting ABT ointment in his eyes every day, and he liked this because they made him feel better. He had put on some weight the first two years here so we put him on a diet. We took him to the park, and he loved just happily staring at the lake and birds for hours. We took him to the ER when he stopped eating, and they diagnosed him with a gastric ulcer. I felt in my gut there was a lot more going on there but treated him for that. I had to stay home full-time and that was great for Kobi because he loved me being home with him 24 hours a day. He always remained very frightened of being groomed since his ear being cut so we medicated him prior to grooming and that helped some. His last x-ray showed gross abnormality in his liver and spleen and so we decided it would be in Kobi's best interest not to put him through another major abdominal surgery. He felt extremely loved and pampered by everyone, especially his mommy, and we love him dearly. I pray he is happy and pain free running around with Rusty in Heaven. Please thank Doris, Susan and the whole CSAC crew for allowing us to be part of his life.
- The DeCicco Family
Charlee's Happy Ending
First, I need to say that Charlee has been renamed—he is now Marlee. He had no trouble adjusting to his new name and responds eagerly to his name. Our little Yorkie-Poo is 14 years old and he wants to play with her, but she’s not too playful at this point. However, you will see them sleeping in the same bed in one of the pictures (she is black so kind of difficult to see in his gray bed).
Marlee is doing well. He came from a city setting, and we live in a forested area so he has had a good time running through the leaves in our large fenced area—sniffing all the new smells and just running for the joy of it. He chases the squirrels and chipmunks and is fascinated by the deer herd that frequents the area. They run outside the fence, and he runs with them inside the fence. He is buff colored and so sometimes it is hard to tell him from the deer.
We took him to obedience training, and he did pretty well. Loose leash walking has taken some time and patience, but he is doing better. He loves his toys and enjoys watching the world go by from the window seat in our living room. He is delighted to ride in the car and frequently accompanies us on errands. He especially enjoys the occasional times we make an ice cream stop and he gets his own doggie cup of ice cream. He gets very excited when our two grandsons (ages 8 and 10) come to visit and enjoys playing “fetch” and other doggie games with them. He has a basket of toys which he plays with constantly. He usually has a toy of some sort hanging from his mouth. The biggest issue we have faced is that he has severe separation anxiety. With the help of our vet and a trainer, we have worked with him, and are seeing improvement. We are hopeful that in time, he will be able to relax when we are not here. He is a beautiful boy, and we are enjoying life with Marlee. It is never dull!
Thank you for all you do on behalf of these beautiful dogs,
-The Halderman Family

In Memory of TiggerOn January 10, 2016 our precious Tigger crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He succumbed to melanoma, even after surgery and treatments! But he fought a hard fight and was pleasant and always happy to us, even to the very end. He was our little wiggle butt! We adopted him from CSAC quite a few years ago; we think in 2007 or 08. Honestly, it just felt like he was always in our lives.
He was the sweetest little man with a huge personality. He won the heart of anyone that met him. This is our favorite picture of Tigger, who simply LOVED riding in the car to PetSmart and picking out a new toy. Tigger was playful, loved long walks-even with arthritis, cuddling on the bed at sleepy pie time, and sharing Dairy Queen ice cream with his mom and dad.
We are still thankful for the dedication of Paul and Virginia Boyer, the foster parents of Tigger before we adopted him. They brought him to the house for us to meet and delivered him, with heavy and happy hearts, to us when the adoption was final. They loved Tigger too you see! He was a long term foster. The Boyers' dedication enabled our precious boy to find a forever home, where he was truly loved and part of the family. Both my husband and I miss him still and visit him often where he rests in our yard under his favorite tree. Thank you all for what you do for these creatures and the families that get so much love from these grateful and loyal dogs.
- The Kafer Family
Buster's Happy Ending
Our little guy successfully completed the Manners Level One class on Oct. 31 at What A Good Dog. Hooray for our Buster!
He is very much a "daddy's boy". Every morning he sits at the bathroom door waiting for my husband to come out .
The trainers have told us he is a dominant male who has a very strong hunting instinct. He needs new challenges to keep him happy. Because he is young, he still has a short attention span. That said, we are very proud of him-- can sit, stay, and down stay for a minute.
We are working on no jumping, i.e. 4 paws on the floor when visitors arrive. He is working hard and will soon master this as he is a very smart guy. In many ways he is like a 2 year old child - shall we say a lovable handful. As much as he loves children, he has great concerns about other dogs. We are working on this.
Since early June, we (our vet and ourselves) have been working to clear a serious yeast infection in his ears. Thanks to our vet and her tech, he is doing well. However, he will continue on the drops for sometime to come.
We can say he is a wonderful dog and will do better and better as he matures. In short, we love him and he us. We wouldn't give him up for "a million dollars" .
We thank you for our little guy ( "Peck's bad boy" and hihomolly signing off).
- The Edelman Family

Buddy's Happy Ending
We adopted Buddy on August 18, 2015. We love Cocker Spaniel dogs and have had four. We lost our third one in May of 2015 and were heartbroken. He was 15 years old, but we had him for 12
years as we adopted him at age 3. We adopted three of our four dogs in
our lifetime. We knew we wanted to adopt again.
Buddy is such a sweet dog. He was very nervous at first, which was expected, due to all his changes. He loves to sit next to us and put his head on our laps. He absolutely loves his walks and going out in the yard. He does not know how to play ball so we are teaching him. He really likes playing with his stuffed toys and takes one to bed with him. When we come home, he gets so excited that we think his little tail is going to fall off. He has helped our hearts to heal after losing BowWow. He truly is our Buddy!
We like to thank all the volunteers at CSAC. We had a great experience from the people on the phone, our home visit and foster home visit to meet sweet Buddy. Thanks for all you do to help these precious dogs.
-The Haag Family

Brandy's Happy EndingI adopted Brandy, who I have renamed to Georgia Peach aka Peaches, at the beginning of November. When I brought her home, everything was so new: stairs, leash, food, toys, love etc. Within a week, she had already begun to warm up to my home and our new life together, and I finally felt comfortable enough to introduce her to her new big sister, my 12 year old lab, Bella. The two of them are a match made in puppy heaven. Bella teaches Peaches so much, and Peaches brings out the inner puppy in Bella. They keep each other company, and I really believe that they were meant to be together.
Having Peaches in my life has brought me so much joy. Every time I am greeted by her, I immediately smile. I can't imagine her not being a part of our little family. Peaches and I love hanging out in the dog park playing with the other dogs in our neighborhood and going on walks together out at my farm in rural VA.
Attached is a photo from the day that Peaches and Bella met (note Bella's huge smile about her new sister).
Thanks to everyone at Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center for helping me bring little miss Georgia Peach into my life!!!
Kind regards,
- The Leepson Family
Lady's Happy Ending
There’s something to say when you have more pictures of your canine children on your phone than human children! Yes, Lady Bug, often called “Bug” for short is much loved and happy with us in her Pocono’s home. She came home to us from CSAC in March 2015 and it took her no time to bond with her adopted siblings, a tripod Sheltie and a Doxie/Terrier in her golden years.
While we’ve discovered she has no love for the water, she is an avid boater and is often found in her mama’s lap in the kayak or the family row boat. Walks through the woods and around the lake are her favorite activities, but then so are playing with her toys or helping make the bed – a game that requires multiple attempts to straighten out sheets while she ensures the mattress under them is well guarded.
Lady gets along well with her neighbors. It’s not uncommon to see her romping about with her next-door friends and is blessed to live in a community where visiting the neighbors often results in getting a treat! We continue to work with her on her manners with strangers. She takes her guarding responsibilities quite seriously, particularly with men in hats. But once she accepts you as trusted, Lady is one of the most affectionate cuddlers ever. Of course she is spoiled, but how could you not spoil such a cutie? Lady rules the couches and sleeps in the master bed. We are pleased to plump her pillow in exchange for all the love she brings to our home.
-The Young Family

Snowflake's Happy Ending
I adopted Lyla (aka Snowflake) from CSAC on 10/14/15. Her foster mom, Sabrina has been extremely helpful in slowly, carefully trying to overcome Lyla’s 5 yrs in a puppy mill, where she was made to produce several litters of puppies. She has been completely uninterested in being active, was only fed every other day, and is not very food motivated. She is quiet, timid, sleeps almost constantly but likes cuddling. More effort is being spent in opening up her world some, giving her incentives to stay awake, like bits of soft food in kongs, which are the only toys she likes. She isn’t very interested in other people or animals but is not aggressive, and does want to be near me. She enjoys cuddling more now, is less fearful. It took several weeks to learn that she is unwilling to eat when encouraged and only wants to eat @ bedtime in privacy so learning what she’s comfy with is very necessary. Change is hard to come by, as you all know. Lyla’s learning words like “jump” and she goes willingly into the car as another place to sleep! She is becoming less resistant to her daily walks, trusting me a bit more that we will turn around and head for home. Lyla is fine with my loud comments or cheering when the Steelers play, so that was an important bonding issue LOL. Anyway, a big cheery hello from Lyla and me. I think we are a good fit and I’m hoping we can get her to forget her existence @ the puppy mill, as she becomes completely comfy in her furever home.
- The Kunz Family

Shirley's Happy Ending | In Memory of MitziA two‘fer happy ending – Mitzi (aka Missy) and Myrna (aka Shirley). In July, I adopted Shirley. She wanted a different name so we settled on Myrna (For those of us whose parents loved old movies, that would be Myrna Loy, Google her). Myrna is 7 years old and was a puppy mill breeding dog. The best I can tell, she never had a name, a toy, medical attention, had never seen grass, wasn’t house trained and didn’t even know how to run, basically a 7 year old puppy. Because of her lack of medical attention when CSAC saved her, she had a bad jaw infection and has lost all her teeth. But thanks to CSAC’s attention, she is healthy and I have a happy, joyous little girl.
The two’fer - about 5 years ago with CSAC’s help, I adopted Mitzi (aka Missy), a 10 year old at the time whose owner had passed away. Although Mitzi never had Myrna’s troubles, she is now elderly, partially deaf and partially blind. They are a perfect pair and inseparable. There is no greater joy than coming home from a hard day’s work to be met at the door by two wigglebutts who could not be happier to see you. It is absolutely the best part of every day.
PS – After I wrote this and before I sent it in, Mitzi was diagnosed with cancer, Wednesday November 25, 2015 was her last day. Do you and your pet a favor, when you get home tonight get down on the floor with them and play. 5 or 10 minutes is all it will take, I guarantee it will be the best part of both of your days.
- The Collison Family