Charlee's Happy Ending
First, I need to say that Charlee has been renamed—he is now Marlee. He had no trouble adjusting to his new name and responds eagerly to his name. Our little Yorkie-Poo is 14 years old and he wants to play with her, but she’s not too playful at this point. However, you will see them sleeping in the same bed in one of the pictures (she is black so kind of difficult to see in his gray bed).
Marlee is doing well. He came from a city setting, and we live in a forested area so he has had a good time running through the leaves in our large fenced area—sniffing all the new smells and just running for the joy of it. He chases the squirrels and chipmunks and is fascinated by the deer herd that frequents the area. They run outside the fence, and he runs with them inside the fence. He is buff colored and so sometimes it is hard to tell him from the deer.
We took him to obedience training, and he did pretty well. Loose leash walking has taken some time and patience, but he is doing better. He loves his toys and enjoys watching the world go by from the window seat in our living room. He is delighted to ride in the car and frequently accompanies us on errands. He especially enjoys the occasional times we make an ice cream stop and he gets his own doggie cup of ice cream. He gets very excited when our two grandsons (ages 8 and 10) come to visit and enjoys playing “fetch” and other doggie games with them. He has a basket of toys which he plays with constantly. He usually has a toy of some sort hanging from his mouth. The biggest issue we have faced is that he has severe separation anxiety. With the help of our vet and a trainer, we have worked with him, and are seeing improvement. We are hopeful that in time, he will be able to relax when we are not here. He is a beautiful boy, and we are enjoying life with Marlee. It is never dull!
Thank you for all you do on behalf of these beautiful dogs,
-The Halderman Family

In Memory of TiggerOn January 10, 2016 our precious Tigger crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He succumbed to melanoma, even after surgery and treatments! But he fought a hard fight and was pleasant and always happy to us, even to the very end. He was our little wiggle butt! We adopted him from CSAC quite a few years ago; we think in 2007 or 08. Honestly, it just felt like he was always in our lives.
He was the sweetest little man with a huge personality. He won the heart of anyone that met him. This is our favorite picture of Tigger, who simply LOVED riding in the car to PetSmart and picking out a new toy. Tigger was playful, loved long walks-even with arthritis, cuddling on the bed at sleepy pie time, and sharing Dairy Queen ice cream with his mom and dad.
We are still thankful for the dedication of Paul and Virginia Boyer, the foster parents of Tigger before we adopted him. They brought him to the house for us to meet and delivered him, with heavy and happy hearts, to us when the adoption was final. They loved Tigger too you see! He was a long term foster. The Boyers' dedication enabled our precious boy to find a forever home, where he was truly loved and part of the family. Both my husband and I miss him still and visit him often where he rests in our yard under his favorite tree. Thank you all for what you do for these creatures and the families that get so much love from these grateful and loyal dogs.
- The Kafer Family