The last ten years with her have been the happiest of my life. She was with me through thick and thin, and became more of a familiar or a life partner, than a pet. We were inseparable, and she often followed me around the house like the sweet little velcro dog she was. When I first started fostering her, she was timid, shy, and terrified of any loud or unexpected sound. She was afraid of other animals and other people and kept herself to herself. After just a year or two of love and patience, she became a curious, confident (even stubborn!) dog who was adored by all who met her. She stopped being afraid of noise and settled into city life just fine, first in Philly and then in DC. She never became gregarious, but had gentleness and patience with all--even when neighborhood toddlers would crowd around and pull her ears, she would simply stand stock still until they were finished, staring at me with her big puppy dog eyes as if to say, "I'd do this all day for you." I called her a gateway dog, because even people who were generally afraid of dogs found themselves falling in love with her. She never became comfortable in a crate (and no wonder, given what she went through as a breeding dog before you rescued her) but had such good manners it didn't matter.
Lucy and I were so happy.
- The Miranda Family
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