I adopted Miss Bea (formerly Mrs. Beasley) about 5 months ago, and she is doing very well. She has had to adjust to living with 2 cats (1 young, 1 senior), and she is doing so with flying colors! She pretty much ignores them except when the younger cat taps her on the head when she is sleeping. That provokes a well-deserved growl, and Chloe takes off! Doesn’t happen often, but Miss Bea would prefer it didn’t happen at all! The Vet and his staff love her and call her “happy girl,” because she is so wiggly and happy to greet everyone. We take several walks each day, and she enjoys greeting any neighbors and dogs we meet along the way. Recently, we spent a week at the beach and included my son’s 2 springer spaniels. Miss Bea loved running in the water and taking walks with her cousins. Thank you to CSAC for all the work you do and allowing me to adopt her. She is a joy to have!
- The Forbes Family
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